How To Install WordPress Using Cpanel Manually

How To Install WordPress Using cPanel manually?

The first step after having a domain name and web hosting is to install WordPress on your web host. Though most of the web hosting services are providing the direct option to install WordPress just by a single click but still you need to know how to install WordPress manually?

For beginners, it is necessary to know that only after the installation of WordPress you can handle your website.

As we are all aware that it is a CMS(Content Management System) which is use to handle the website.

Install WordPress Manually In Few Steps :

In the initial days of blogging, newbies try to find out an easy method to do any task but you should be ready to face some hard time.

Similarly even after having the single click option to install WordPress you should know how to install WordPress manually using cPanel? There are some steps I am going to tell you about this.

There are mainly three steps containing the download and upload of WordPress, setting up the new database and finally to install WordPress. All these steps are followed by some queries you have to fill and some task to have to do for the completion.

Step 1 :- Download WordPress and upload it.

a. First of all, you have to download the latest version of WordPress or the version you want to use. But it is always recommended to use the latest version of WordPress. Now login to the cPanel of your web hosting and open ‘File Manager’.

b. Now you will see many options at the left side in the list after opening file manager. You need to click to ‘public_html‘.

c. It’s time to upload for which you need to click on ‘upload‘. You can see this option in the upper list below the title bar. When you click this option a new window appear in front of you where you can easily see the option to choose the file. You need to click there and select the zip file which you have downloaded.

d. After the upload, you will find the zip file and you have to extract the file by just a right click and select ‘extract‘. After extraction, you will see a new folder named ‘WordPress’. You should rename this folder so that it will become easy to keep an eye. Suppose you rename it ‘yourname’. Now you have to open that folder and select all the files contained in it. After selecting click to move seen above. You have to move these files from WordPress folder to the main directory.

Step 2 :- Setting Up New Database:

a. Go to your cPanel and click to ‘MYSQL DB Wizard’.

b. You will see a box to create a database. You need to fill the name for your database and click ‘next step’.

c. In this step, you will be asked to create database users. fill all the required queries and click to ‘create user’.

d. The third step is to add a user to the database. You should keep an eye that ‘All Privileges’ should be selected.

Step 3 :- Final step to install WordPress :

a. Now you have to open your website and you will see the screenshot taken below. If you want to create a test website then open it with the URL followed by that folder name which you have renamed. Here you have to type ‘’  for the login and a window will appear in front of you. Here click to ‘create configuration file’. After that click to Let’s Go.

b. After these steps, a window will appear in front of you in which you have to fill database name, user name, password. Click to submit after the filling the queries. Further, you have to click at ‘Run the Install’.

c. Fill all the information required here. The username and password are required to login into the WordPress. So, you can select it according to your choice. It is always recommended that password should be strong. Don’t forget to check on ‘Allow search engines to index this site’.

Finally, you got success and come to know how to install WordPress?

After the completion of all these steps in a sequence you have achieved your goal to install WordPress and your blog is alive now.

You can write your posts, handle your blog the way you want. If you still have any query related to WordPress installation then feel free to connect with me.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Good post Ravi! Setting up WordPress can be a daunting task to someone who hasn’t used cPanel before. I know a lot of hosts have auto-Wordpress setup (Hostgator is one of them) but it’s nice to be able to know how to do it manually as well.

    1. Thanks James.

      It’s nice to see you again here at my blog. Hope you are getting perfect information from here.

      Enjoy your stay.

      Have a great day.:)


  2. This is also the most secure way to install WordPress. I am always telling people that using the one click installation is not safe at all! Thanks for sharing this step-by-step guide, Ravi! I am going to share your post with my folks!

    1. Hi Paul,

      Welcome to my blog.

      People need to know different methods to install WordPress and using cPanel is an effective and safe way.

      Thanks for your input.

      Have a great week.:)


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